Professional Golf & Tacoma Fire Dept. Retired                

  Welcome  to John's Website.
you may click on some pictures to enlarge and there are 13 pages to visit.

i have designed and published this website on the (World Wide Web internet)

it is about my life in the Pacific NW  --  United States.

It is what i have been doing with the life god gave me.

Living and Believing in the American 20th Century way of living.

Was placed in St. Vincent Catholic boys home by - my mother Vera Irene from Beebe, Arkansas.

 So decided  at age 15, late one night, to climb over the fence and escape the nuns.

then hitch-hike a ride east - on US highway 40 to St. Louis, MO.

a  kind one arm fat man in a grey 1936 Plymouth coupe stopped and gave me a ride east.

he caught fish for food where he could for we had little money. i shall forever be indebted to this man.

 had to escape the Nuns abuse, the Religious Asylum where young boys were held captive.

Then i Retired after military service and Tacoma Fire Dept at age 38, having compiled legally

enough money, land, rentals and other assets.

Then turn Professional golfer in Santa Barbara, CA.

Did live on my 1/4 horse ranch, Graham, wa, 24 miles south of Tacoma.

Wear my ball cap bill forward, No Tattoos, earrings, or drugs!

I am an old-fashion 20th century man.  Summer home in Oregon, but winter in Palm Springs, CA.

 I cold smoke   Salmon and lived off the sea cruising north in past summers in Canada waters  

  Current motorcycle the Goldwing Trike.         the shadow of your smile